Grave @ Baroeg, 6 October 2013

The second gig in the same weekend for me. This one on an autumn Sunday afternoon. Two tours were combined to one gig, a short tour by Grave and a tour by Necros Christos. And the Baroeg added an additional support act as well.

That support was none other than Anthropomorphia. A cult act from the early 90s that was reactivated a couple of years ago. I had never heard them, but new the cover of one of their song the band Deathevokation did a couple years back of the song Chunks of Meat. That sounded actually quite good. So I was interested to hear how the original would sound. And that turned out to be quite good. Old school death metal, like it was played in the early nighties, slightly sloppy, thick, crunchy sound, but kind of basic. They even put Chunks of Meat in the set list among some other older and some new songs. Not a bad opener.

The next band is a relatively new band from the UK, called Grave Miasma. They had just released their debug album which is basically death metal with some black metal elements. The album didn’t do much for me, and they didn’t really convince me live either. Apart from a way too loud sound and a broken string, it was a decent gig but after a few songs it became quita a bit boring.

A whole different cup of tea is Zombie Inc. This is Martin Schirenc of the mighty Pungent Stench’s new band and some other death metal veterans. Old school death metal, mostly in the Swedish vein, with extremely cheesy lyrics about zombies. They have just released their second album and a large part of the set consisted of songs from that album, completed by a couple off the debut. The band dresses in white, blood covered clothes and wears rubber Zombie masks on stage (which I expect to be quite warm). So yeah there is zero originality, but it just sound great. And they played their songs quite solid. The fleshlike substance Martin played with on stage smelled like a bitch but hey, zombies never meant to smell good anyway. Quite entertaining I must say. All corpses are Bastards!

Then there was the first headliner Necros Christos. This is some sort of occult death metal band from Germany. I heard their most recent album a bit and it sounded okay. Live however they completely failed to impress me. If you strip away the occult themes, you’d end up with extremely dull, straightforward death metal and uninteresting, too long songs. And like Grave Miasma the sound again was way too loud.

The final band of this day was the mighty Grave. One of Sweden’s finest when it comes to death metal although their style and sound isn’t all that close to Dismember or Entombed. They started with a newer song but after that the set consisted mostly of classic material. A few demo songs even (Sexual Mutilation and Reborn Miscarriage) and the perpetual Into the Grave, You’ll Never See, Day of Mouring, Christi(ns)anity, Turning Black, And Here I Die. The played really tight, slightly faster it seems than on the albums. I think this was the best Grave gig I have seen since their reunion tour they did before they released Back From the Grave. They closed their set with the new song off their just released EP, Morbid Ascent. Excellent gig.

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